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Workshop på Trelde Næs

Workshop at Trelde Næs

- a world of creative possibilities for you

Use your hands - rest your head

It's great to create something with your hands, and you can use the techniques you learn for many exciting projects at home. You can e.g. upcycle and redesign your interior in the home or create handmade gifts and beautiful gift wrapping, yes, it's actually only your imagination that sets the limits.  

Get down to gear

At the workshop, there is time for calm, coziness and contemplation, and when everyone is well underway with their own project, we listen to a little adventure at the same time and get right down to gear. It is good for your body and soul to express yourself creatively. You get some stress-relieving hours and get into gear.

Nature and workshop

Combine the workshop with a walk in the beautiful area. Trelde Næs is a peninsula between Vejle Fjord and Lillebælt and named a Danish Nature Canon for its unique nature. Walking on the edge of the high cliffs, visiting the Troll Forest or finding fossils along the beaches is a worthwhile experience.


It's great fun to breathe new life into something used or old. It's easy to just buy new, but when you put your own personal touch on an item, it just gives so much satisfaction and joy. The process is fun and the result will be your completely unique contribution to your home.


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